今回紹介するクラスによって,RealSenseでVR or ARを実現するために必要なRealSenseの機能を簡単に使えるようになります.具体的には,
- RGBカメラ・デプスカメラ画像の取得
- デプスマップをRGBカメラから見た画像(とその逆)の取得
- デプスカメラを原点とする座標系(=RealSenseのワールド座標系)でのXYZ頂点座標の取得
- カメラ内部・外部パラメータ(デプスカメラから見たRGBカメラの位置姿勢)を取得
- 自動露出,自動ホワイトバランスの有効化・無効化
#include "RealSenseCVWrapper.h" int main(void) { RealSenseCVWrapper rscv(640, 480); rscv.getCalibrationStatus(); std::cout << "calibration data: " << "\n camera matrix = \n" << rscv.cameraMatrix << "\n camera distortion params = \n" << rscv.distCoeffs << "\n transform matrix of RGB cam = \n" << rscv.transform << std::endl; while (1) { cv::Mat src; // RealSenseのストリームを開始 rscv.queryFrames(); //rscv.getColorBuffer(src); // デプス画像にマップしたカラー画像を取得 rscv.getMappedColorBuffer(src); // 頂点座標の勾配を推定して陰影表示 rscv.getXYZBuffer(); cv::Mat XYZImage(rscv.bufferSize, CV_32FC1); for (int i = 1; i < rscv.bufferSize.height-1; i++) { for (int j = 1; j < rscv.bufferSize.width-1; j++) { // 隣4隅への勾配ベクトルを算出 float intensity = 0.0f; cv::Point3f v0, v1, v2, v3, v4; v0 = rscv.xyzBuffer[i*rscv.bufferSize.width + j]; if (v0.z != 0) { v1 = rscv.xyzBuffer[(i - 1)*rscv.bufferSize.width + (j - 1)] - v0; v2 = rscv.xyzBuffer[(i - 1)*rscv.bufferSize.width + (j + 1)] - v0; v3 = rscv.xyzBuffer[(i + 1)*rscv.bufferSize.width + (j + 1)] - v0; v4 = rscv.xyzBuffer[(i + 1)*rscv.bufferSize.width + (j - 1)] - v0; // それぞれの勾配から法線ベクトルを4種類算出して平均 // v1 v2 // v0 // v4 v3 // 法線方向は手前側が正 cv::Point3f n0, n1, n2, n3, n4; n1 = v2.cross(v1); n2 = v3.cross(v2); n3 = v4.cross(v3); n4 = v1.cross(v4); n0 = (n1 + n2 + n3 + n4) / cv::norm(n1 + n2 + n3 + n4); cv::Point3f light(3.f, 3.f, 0.f); intensity = n0.ddot(light/cv::norm(light)); } else { intensity = 0.f; }<float>(i, j) = intensity; } } // RealSenseのストリームを終了 rscv.releaseFrames(); cv::imshow("ts", src); cv::imshow("xyz", XYZImage); int c = cv::waitKey(10); if (c == 27) break; if (c == 'a') { rscv.useAutoAdjust(false); rscv.setExposure(-8); rscv.setWhiteBalance(6000); } if (c == 'A') { rscv.useAutoAdjust(true); } } return 0; }
#pragma once #include <opencv2\opencv.hpp> #include <RealSense\SenseManager.h> #include <RealSense\SampleReader.h> #pragma comment(lib, "libpxc.lib") class RealSenseCVWrapper { public: // constructor // @param // width : width of picture size // height: height of picture size RealSenseCVWrapper(); RealSenseCVWrapper(int width, int height); ~RealSenseCVWrapper(); void safeRelease(); // query RealSense frames // you should execute queryStream() function before get buffers // and releaseFrames(); function after all by every frame // @return // true = frame is succcessfully queried bool queryFrames(); void releaseFrames(); // get camera buffers void getColorBuffer(); void getDepthBuffer(); void getMappedDepthBuffer(); void getMappedColorBuffer(); void getXYZBuffer(); void getColorBuffer(cv::Mat &color); void getDepthBuffer(cv::Mat &depth); void getMappedDepthBuffer(cv::Mat &mappedDepth); void getMappedColorBuffer(cv::Mat &mappedColor); void getXYZBuffer(std::vector<cv::Point3f> xyz); // adjust camera settings // @param // use_aa: flag to use auto exposure and auto white balance void useAutoAdjust(bool use_aa); // set RGB camera exposure // @param // value: exposure time = 2 ^ value [s] // if you want 30fps you should set under 33 ~ 2 ^ -5 [ms] void setExposure(int32_t value); // set RGB camera white balance // @param // value: white point = value [K] // (ex: D65 standard light source = about 6500[K]) void setWhiteBalance(int32_t value); // get calibration status // - camera matrix // - distortion parameters // - transform matrix (RGB camera origin to depth camera origin) void getCalibrationStatus(); // OpenCV image buffer cv::Size bufferSize; // buffer size cv::Mat colorBuffer; // RGB camera buffer (BGR, 8UC3) cv::Mat depthBuffer; // depth camera buffer (Gray, 32FC1) cv::Mat colorBufferMapped; // RGB camera buffer mapped to depth camera (BGR, 8UC3) cv::Mat depthBufferMapped; // depth camera buffer mapped to RGB camera (Gray, 32FC1) std::vector<cv::Point3f> xyzBuffer; // XYZ point cloud buffer from depth camera (XYZ) // RGB camera calibration data writtern by OpenCV camera model cv::Mat cameraMatrix; // inclueds fx,fy,cx,cy cv::Mat distCoeffs; // k1,k2,p1,p2,k3 cv::Mat transform; // 4x4 coordinate transformation from RGB camera origin to the world (=depth) system origin protected: Intel::RealSense::SenseManager *rsm; Intel::RealSense::Sample *sample; };
#include "RealSenseCVWrapper.h" using namespace Intel::RealSense; using namespace cv; using namespace std; RealSenseCVWrapper::RealSenseCVWrapper() { } RealSenseCVWrapper::RealSenseCVWrapper(int w = 640, int h = 480) { rsm = SenseManager::CreateInstance(); if (!rsm) { cout << "Unable to create SenseManager" << endl; } // RealSense settings rsm->EnableStream(Capture::STREAM_TYPE_COLOR, w, h); rsm->EnableStream(Capture::STREAM_TYPE_DEPTH, w, h); if (rsm->Init() < Status::STATUS_NO_ERROR) { cout << "Unable to initialize SenseManager" << endl; } bufferSize = Size(w, h); } RealSenseCVWrapper::~RealSenseCVWrapper() { safeRelease(); } void RealSenseCVWrapper::safeRelease() { if (rsm) { //rsm->Release(); rsm->Close(); } } bool RealSenseCVWrapper::queryFrames() { if (rsm->AcquireFrame(true) < Status::STATUS_NO_ERROR) { return false; } sample = rsm->QuerySample(); } void RealSenseCVWrapper::releaseFrames() { rsm->ReleaseFrame(); } void RealSenseCVWrapper::getColorBuffer() { // Acquire access to image data Image *img_c = sample->color; Image::ImageData data_c; img_c->AcquireAccess(Image::ACCESS_READ_WRITE, Image::PIXEL_FORMAT_BGR, &data_c); // create OpenCV Mat from Image::ImageInfo Image::ImageInfo cinfo = img_c->QueryInfo(); colorBuffer = Mat(cinfo.height, cinfo.width, CV_8UC3); // copy data = data_c.planes[0]; colorBuffer = colorBuffer.clone(); // release access img_c->ReleaseAccess(&data_c); //img_c->Release(); } void RealSenseCVWrapper::getDepthBuffer() { Image *img_d = sample->depth; Image::ImageData data_d; img_d->AcquireAccess(Image::ACCESS_READ_WRITE, Image::PIXEL_FORMAT_DEPTH_F32, &data_d); Image::ImageInfo dinfo = img_d->QueryInfo(); depthBuffer = Mat(dinfo.height, dinfo.width, CV_32FC1); = data_d.planes[0]; depthBuffer = depthBuffer.clone(); img_d->ReleaseAccess(&data_d); //img_d->Release(); } void RealSenseCVWrapper::getMappedDepthBuffer() { // create projection stream to acquire mapped depth image Projection *projection = rsm->QueryCaptureManager()->QueryDevice()->CreateProjection(); Image *depth_mapped = projection->CreateDepthImageMappedToColor(sample->depth, sample->color); // acquire access to depth data Image::ImageData ddata_mapped; depth_mapped->AcquireAccess(Image::ACCESS_READ, Image::PIXEL_FORMAT_DEPTH_F32, &ddata_mapped); // copy to cv::Mat Image::ImageInfo dinfo = depth_mapped->QueryInfo(); depthBufferMapped = Mat(dinfo.height, dinfo.width, CV_32FC1); = ddata_mapped.planes[0]; depthBufferMapped = depthBufferMapped.clone(); // release access depth_mapped->ReleaseAccess(&ddata_mapped); depth_mapped->Release(); projection->Release(); } void RealSenseCVWrapper::getMappedColorBuffer() { // create projection stream to acquire mapped depth image Projection *projection = rsm->QueryCaptureManager()->QueryDevice()->CreateProjection(); Image *color_mapped = projection->CreateColorImageMappedToDepth(sample->depth, sample->color); // acquire access to depth data Image::ImageData cdata_mapped; color_mapped->AcquireAccess(Image::ACCESS_READ, Image::PIXEL_FORMAT_BGR, &cdata_mapped); // copy to cv::Mat Image::ImageInfo cinfo = color_mapped->QueryInfo(); colorBufferMapped = Mat(cinfo.height, cinfo.width, CV_8UC3); = cdata_mapped.planes[0]; colorBufferMapped = colorBufferMapped.clone(); // release access color_mapped->ReleaseAccess(&cdata_mapped); color_mapped->Release(); projection->Release(); } void RealSenseCVWrapper::getXYZBuffer() { Projection *projection = rsm->QueryCaptureManager()->QueryDevice()->CreateProjection(); std::vector<Point3DF32> vertices; vertices.resize(bufferSize.width * bufferSize.height); projection->QueryVertices(sample->depth, &vertices[0]); xyzBuffer.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < bufferSize.width*bufferSize.height; i++) { Point3f p; p.x = vertices[i].x; p.y = vertices[i].y; p.z = vertices[i].z; xyzBuffer.push_back(p); } projection->Release(); } void RealSenseCVWrapper::getColorBuffer(cv::Mat & color) { getColorBuffer(); color = colorBuffer.clone(); } void RealSenseCVWrapper::getDepthBuffer(cv::Mat & depth) { getDepthBuffer(); depth = depthBuffer.clone(); } void RealSenseCVWrapper::getMappedDepthBuffer(cv::Mat & mappedDepth) { getMappedDepthBuffer(); mappedDepth = depthBufferMapped.clone(); } void RealSenseCVWrapper::getMappedColorBuffer(cv::Mat & mappedColor) { getMappedColorBuffer(); mappedColor = colorBufferMapped.clone(); } void RealSenseCVWrapper::getXYZBuffer(std::vector<cv::Point3f> xyz) { getXYZBuffer(); xyz = xyzBuffer; } void RealSenseCVWrapper::useAutoAdjust(bool use_aa) { Device *device = rsm->QueryCaptureManager()->QueryDevice(); // get current values if you use manual mode device->SetColorAutoExposure(use_aa); device->SetColorAutoWhiteBalance(use_aa); } void RealSenseCVWrapper::setExposure(int32_t value) { rsm->QueryCaptureManager()->QueryDevice()->SetColorExposure(value); } void RealSenseCVWrapper::setWhiteBalance(int32_t value) { rsm->QueryCaptureManager()->QueryDevice()->SetColorWhiteBalance(value); } void RealSenseCVWrapper::getCalibrationStatus() { // aquire calibration data of RGB camera stream Projection * projection = rsm->QueryCaptureManager()->QueryDevice()->CreateProjection(); Calibration::StreamCalibration calib; Calibration::StreamTransform trans; projection->QueryCalibration() ->QueryStreamProjectionParameters(StreamType::STREAM_TYPE_COLOR, &calib, &trans); // copy RGB camera calibration data to OpenCV cameraMatrix = Mat::eye(3, 3, CV_32FC1);<float>(0, 0) = calib.focalLength.x;<float>(1, 1) = calib.focalLength.y;<float>(0, 2) = calib.principalPoint.x;<float>(1, 2) = calib.principalPoint.y; distCoeffs = Mat::zeros(5, 1, CV_32FC1);<float>(0) = calib.radialDistortion[0];<float>(1) = calib.radialDistortion[1];<float>(2) = calib.tangentialDistortion[0];<float>(3) = calib.tangentialDistortion[1];<float>(4) = calib.radialDistortion[2]; transform = Mat::eye(4, 4, CV_32FC1); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {<float>(i, j) = trans.rotation[i][j]; // todo: rotationの行と列の順を確認 }<float>(i, 3) = trans.translation[i]; } projection->Release(); }